Bayat Power: Powering Afghanistan’s Drive To Energy Security and Economic Growth
Bayat Power, a trailblazer in Afghanistan's independent power production sector, has been awarded the Asian Power Award for its groundbreaking gas-fired mobile power plant.
Combining creative business vision, bold financing, innovative technology, and dedicated leadership, Bayat Power pioneered Afghanistan’s emerging, independent power production sector in 2019 with a mission to provide the nation with the affordable, reliable, and environmentally sustainable electric power needed to improve the lives of Afghan households, communities, and businesses.
Forging partnerships with Siemens Energy, Relevant Power Solutions, and Afghan government entities, Bayat Power launched the country’s first new gas-fired generation facility in more than forty (40) years, turning on its 40 MW gas-fired mobile power plant in November 2019. Established with a vision to help Afghanistan achieve energy security and develop a pathway to energy self-sufficiency, Bayat Power has utilised the nation’s natural gas reserves to provide the Afghan people with a reliable supply of affordable and sustainable electricity. Bayat Power’s plant uses Siemens Energy’s SGT-A45 mobile gas turbine for its economic efficiency, flexible deployment, and power density.
“This project has been a unique opportunity to match creative private sector investment with Siemens' internationally renowned technical expertise to allow Afghanistan towards powering the next phase of the nation's economic growth and energy security,” said Dr. Ehsan Bayat, Chairman of Bayat Power. “We are committed to continue investing in Afghanistan’s energy sector to boost new industries, create jobs and train a new generation of Afghan engineers and technical specialists, who will help unlock the country’s vast energy potential.”
Currently providing electricity to over 200,000 end-users and generating more than 300 million kWh annually, the project was structured as an innovative public-private partnership between Bayat Power, Siemens Energy, and Afghan government entities such as the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, Afghan Gas Enterprises (AGE), Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), and other international partners. The project has created more than 1,000 direct and indirect job opportunities for Afghans, contributing to the nation's economic development and fostering new technical skill sets amongst talented citizens.
“Bayat Power is extremely proud that the Asian Power Awards have recognised our project as the Gas Power Project of the Year in Afghanistan. But we are even prouder of our continued efforts to improve the lives of Afghans across the country, enabling students to study at night, allowing health workers to provide critical services 24/7, supporting factory production, and lighting up cities, streets, mosques, and homes nationwide,” said Ali Kasemi, CEO of Bayat Power. “We set out to relaunch a critical sector and prove that independent power producers can convert natural gas into electricity and bring light and warmth to Afghanistan and its people.”
The prestigious Asian Power Awards, now in its 19th year, celebrates and honours companies and projects that have taken innovative and game-changing steps to address the effects of the climate crisis and meet the growing energy demand.
The Asian Power Awards is presented by Asian Power Magazine. To view the full list of winners, click here. If you want to join the 2024 awards programme and be acclaimed for your company's revolutionary innovations and initiatives in the power industry in Asia, please contact Julie Anne Nuñez at [email protected].