Sanmen Unit 2 completes first concrete pour
The first pour of basemat structural concrete for the nuclear island of Unit 2 at the Sanmen site in China was completed. The resulting structure will serve as the foundation for all of the nuclear island buildings, including the containment vessel and the shield building.
"The completion of this important milestone reaffirms the long-term partnership between Westinghouse and its Chinese customers that will provide the people of China with additional clean sources of power generation built on the pillars of safety, energy security, and investment in the local economy," said Ric Perez, senior vice president, Westinghouse Nuclear Power Plants. "We remain committed to safely bringing the first AP1000 plant online in 2013 - on time and within budget."
Sanmen is the site of two Westinghouse AP1000 units that are being built under a contract signed in 2007 for four AP1000 units. Two other AP1000 units are currently under construction at Haiyang, China, and Westinghouse, the Shaw Group and China are currently in discussion on plans for more AP1000 plants to be sited inland of China's coastal areas. Additionally, Westinghouse and the AP1000 have been identified as the supplier and technology of choice for no less than 14 AP1000 units that have been announced in the United States, including six for which engineering, procurement and construction contracts have been signed.