, Singapore

Smart Grid market to reach $15.8b by 2015

But exactly where are the investments going in Asia? 


That’s what attendees at this year’s Smart Grids Asia Summit will find out when they gather for the series’ 3rd Annual event in Singapore this September.

As the first in Asia to provide a Smart Grids platform, IBC Asia’s Smart Grids Asia Summit is now an established conference and will be back for its 3rd Annual run this 27 – 30 September 2011 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Singapore.

According to independent research and advisory firm Lux Research, “The Smart Grid market is expected to reach 15.8 billion by 2015”. 

Focused around the central theme of “Investing in T&D Infrastructure & Renewable Energy for Continuous, Efficient, Reliable & Clean Electricity”, the 3rd Annual Smart Grids Asia Summit will give industry players in the region a prime platform to uncover, cater to, and discuss Asia’s electricity infrastructure needs as well as key drivers & opportunities for investments in T&D infrastructure, renewable energy, and Smart Grid technology.

Billions of investments & developments in new transmission and distribution systems to meet new power generation projects, and at Smart Grids Asia 2011, key players including Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation, Sabah Electricity, Vietnam Power Transmission and China Southern Power Grid will be on hand to provide updates on transmission projects.

Participants will also hear from the Philippines Electricity Market Corporation and Surahanjaya Tenaga on Renewable Energy Conservation & Energy Efficiency programs that are driving renewable energy investments, and what this means for the future electricity supply.

“The most beneficial aspect of attending this conference is the excellent update from key Governments and Utilities in the region. It has been an excellent networking opportunity.” – Max Bryan, Principal Engineer, Alcatel-Lucent

According to the IEA, 20% of the world’s population has no access to electricity, in which a large part can be attributed to Asia. Highlighting the issues surrounding rural electrification, the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company will present a session addressing the need to provide off-grid, renewable energy supply or microgrid solutions.

The introduction of the Restructured Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Program has opened the market to improve distribution in India. At this year’s event, attendees will be able to interact directly with representatives from North Delhi Power and the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission, and learn about recent DMS systems to reduce aggregate technical and commercial loss.

With 2 dedicated streams showcasing 28+ sessions closely examining the Smart Grid value chain, including 17+ case study highlights, the 3rd Annual Smart Grids Asia Summit will bring together policy makers, regulators, utilities and ICT providers to discuss the modernization of Asia’s transmission and distribution infrastructure, with the end goal of delivering continuous, efficient, reliable and clean electricity supply.

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