, Singapore

Asia-Pacific gained highest number of electricity procurement contracts in July

17 contracts made up 37% of the global market share.

The Asia Pacific held the most number of electricity procurement contracts in July 2019, with 17 contracts comprising a share of 37% globally in July, according to data and analytics firm GlobalData.

Following the Asia Pacific are North America with 32.6% share and Europe with 17.4% share.

The number of electricity procurement contracts dropped 29% to 46 in July, compared to the last 12-month average of 61. Amongst these, 89.1% of all contracts are power purchase agreements (PPA), whilst 10.9% are on electric supply.

Solar accounted for a majority of contracts, accounting for 29 contracts with a 64.4% share, followed by wind with 11 contracts and a 24.4% share and thermal with two contracts and a 4.4% share.

Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam held the top issuer of the contracts in terms of power capacity, with 750MW from one contract. It is followed by Press Metal Aluminium Holdings with 500MW, then
Solar Energy Corporation of India with 450MW from one contract.

Meanwhile, the top winner of contracts was Solar Energy Corporation of India, also with 750MW from one contract. Following them are Eden Renewable Cite Pvt with 716MW from four contracts, then Syarikat SESCO in Malaysia with 500MW capacity from one contract.

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