, China

CLP contradicts Daya leak report

CLP labeled the report by Radio Free Asia claiming the occurrence of a leak at the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station as erroneous. In effect, the company contradicted the Hong Kong government’s confirmation that there was indeed a leak.

China Light and Power, Hong Kong’s top electricity supplier, owns 25 percent of the plant.

The Washington-based Radio Free Asia reported that the plant experienced an abnormality in Unit 2 on May 23 and quoted a "Hong Kong expert source" as saying the incident resulted in a large amount of radioactive iodine being released into the air. It said the plant's management had kept the incident secret and only later reported it to authorities in Beijing.

On the said date, a small increase in radioactivity concerning radioactive iodine and noble gases was observed in the reactor cooling water at Unit 2 of Daya Bay. The level of radioactivity has stabilised over the last two weeks since then, without material change.

CLP noted that given how small the increase in radioactivity observed in the reactor cooling water was, operations at Daya Bay have not been affected. The situation was too minor to be rated on the International Nuclear Event Scale, so there was no need for reporting.

Though the incident was not considered to have any safety implications, the power station nevertheless reported the situation to the PRC National Nuclear Safety Administration and the Daya Bay Nuclear Safety Consultative Committee proactively and voluntarily.

CLP emphasized that there has been no leakage of radioactivity from the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station arising from the 23 May event. It pointed out that the reactor cooling water is enclosed completely by another two layers of containment and isolated from the external environment, thus preventing any impact to the public. The use of a three-layer containment design, comprising the fuel rod, a 200-millimeter steel casing and a 0.9-meter thick reinforced concrete structure, is a common international practice for modern nuclear power stations.

An investigation into the incident is in progress. The preliminary assessment indicates that there is an imperfect sealing of a fuel rod in the reactor core of Unit 2. The fuel rods are made in France.

The investigation findings will be shared with the Hong Kong Government and the Daya Bay Nuclear Safety Consultative Committee in line with normal processes.

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