, Japan

Lessons from Fukushima mold US rules on nuclear safety

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed the first three rules to address safety issues raised by Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster.


The changes could be implemented by the end of 2016, according to a staff of the NRC.

"Each of the orders is focused on enhancing defense in depth at nuclear power plants through increased capabilities to minimize the potential for core damage following a beyond design basis external event," the NRC said in a memo detailing the proposal.

The first orders call for all U.S. nuclear operators to develop plans to deal with extreme situations, such as earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters that could affect multiple reactors operating at a single site.

The NRC staff also proposed that all plants improve instrumentation in the pools used to store spent nuclear fuel.

A third proposal would address containment "vent" structures at plants similar in design to the crippled Daiichi nuclear plants, according to the NRC memo from R.W. Borchardt, the NRC's executive director of operations.

Modifications and operating changes based on lessons from the Fukushima disaster are expected to add millions of dollars in costs for nuclear operators, including Exelon Corp, Entergy Corp, Southern Co and others.

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