, Indonesia

Conference to boost RE growth in Indonesia

Indonesia will hold an international conference to draw international investment into new and green energy sources.

“EBTKE Conex 2012” will be held in Jakarta from July 17 to 19. EBTKE is the acronym for an Indonesian phrase that translates into “New Energy, Renewable Energy & Conservation of Energy.”

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said the international conference on renewable energy and energy conversion will see an exchange of knowledge about RE and aims to attract investors to the sector.

The conference is the first of its kind in Indonesia. Organizers expect participants to come from Brazil, Germany, Malaysia, China and India. It plans to hold the conference and exhibition event every year.

The Indonesian government said the need to develop renewable energy was becoming more urgent as Indonesia consumes its natural resources at higher and higher rates. Growth in demand cannot be matched by supply and the result is that the next generations will very likely experience a crisis in energy resources.

It is well known that Indonesia’s potential of renewable energy is quite huge but remains largely untapped. The government, however, has developed various policies to support and encourage the development of renewable energy.

The Energy Ministry wants one quarter of Indonesia’s energy to come from RE sources by 2025 and aims to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by 26% by 2020.

The conference will include 10 discussion sessions that will profile various sectors in the renewable energy and energy conversion fields. More than 140 booths had been confirmed for the exhibition.

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