Transformer replacement completed for San Jose Substation
NGCP completed a US$35.3 million upgrade of transformers at its San Jose, Bulacan substation ahead of schedule.
Power customers connected to the Luzon grid, especially in Metro Manila, are expected to benefit from the transformer upgrade program which has increased San Jose substation's total capacity from 2,400 megavolt ampere to 3,000 MVA.
The energization of the fourth and last transformer bank on September 13 completes the entire replacement program for the substation which commenced on June 4, 2009 with a target completion date of October 5, 2010.
Three transformer banks were already energized in February, April, and August this year.
Dismantling of old transformers, replacement, and energization were undertaken one at a time to ensure uninterrupted transmission services to grid customers.
With its four 600-MVA transformers already replaced with four new 750-MVA units, the centrally located substation in Luzon now has more capacity to receive and transmit bulk power to Luzon grid users.
An additional unit of a 250-MVA power transformer is also available as spare.
Bulk power from the generating plants in Luzon enters the 500-kiloVolt transmission backbone and supplies Metro Manila customers' electricity requirements through the San Jose Substation. The expansion of substation capacity will in effect address transmission congestion in the grid.
National Grid Corporation of the Philippines President and CEO Henry T. Sy Jr. said the company will continue to put in place more reliable substations not just in Luzon but throughout the country where NGCP facilities are located. The provision of better transmission services through a more reliable power grid
is the top priority of NGCP, he said.