, Indonesia

Indonesia's PLN deals with rising need for coal

Perusahaan Listrik Negara will need 65 million metric tons of coal per year in 2014 to generate electricity steam.

PLN is in the final stages of completing its initial phase: a power plant that can produce 10,000 megawatts of electricity. The ambitious plan, which started in 2007, will be completed in 2014.

“The need for coal will continue to increase,” said Bagiyo Riawan, a director of strategy at PLN. “In 2014, PLN will need 65 million metric tons.”

The director said some the projects in the first phase include the Pelabuhan Ratu power plant in West Java, Pacitan and Paiton Power plants in East Java, Tanjung Balai Karimun in the Riau Islands provice, Tarahan Baru in Lampung, and Teluk Sirih in West Sumatra.

Other power projects are in Bangka, Asam-Asam in South Kalimantan, Bima in West Nusa Tenggara, Ende on Flores Island in the East Nusa Tenggara province, Amurang in North Sulawesi, and Kendari in Southeast Sulawesi Island.

“The power plants were already in full operation but their capacities increased,” Bagiyo said.

PLN has been charged with providing electricity to the country’s 240 million people. The electrification rate in Indonesia stood at 71 percent last year, according to a report by PLN.

It’s goal is to reach 90 percent of the country’s residents by 2020.

PLN has been tasked with providing an additional 55,500 MW of power nationwide by 2019.The government plans to add another 30,000 MW of power to the national grid by 2014 through a fast-track program. It plans to generate that from coal, geothermal and hydroelectric resources.

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