, Singapore

China is set to increase its nuclear power capacity

New nuclear power plant sites in China will have four automated reactors with the help of Invensys Process System (IPS), a global supplier to the nuclear industry. Through a contract worth approximately US$250 million, IPS has been tasked to develop and implement four large-scale, fully digitized nuclear control rooms for the Fuqing and Fangjiashan nuclear power projects.

China’s partnership with IPS aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the country’s reliance on coal-generated power by improving its current nuclear capacity. The two new nuclear power projects located in the provinces of Fuijan and Zhejiang will each have two 1GW plants, and the control rooms will be equipped with the latest simulation technologies, critical control and safety systems.

A spokesperson for the evaluation committee said, “During the evaluation process, IPS demonstrated global expertise that China can tap into as we accelerate our technology transfer program. IPS also has technologically advanced integrated solutions capabilities, as well as proven implementation methodologies and processes. In summary, they ranked high in all the key factors we look for in a long-term strategic technology partner. As China speeds up nuclear power expansion and increases clean energy capabilities, we are confident that IPS will continue to provide the world-class automation solutions and expertise that will allow us to optimize these systems and make them safer.”

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