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Sun Cable forms Asia Green Grid Network

This aims to boost partnerships to connect renewable energy in Asia.

Sun Cable and nine corporate and research institutes have partnered to establish the Asia Green Grid Network (AGGN) to accelerate innovation for an interconnected electricity grid in the region.

In a statement, Sun Cable said the network plans to address the “fragmentation” in the current grid research landscape which is crucial in supporting cross-border renewable electricity trade and an integrated grid.

“Cross-border trade of renewable electricity and grid integration is the cornerstone of a successful clean energy transition in Asia,” said Sun Cable Founder and CSO Fraser Thompson.

The network also backs three objectives which include education on key topics of green grid development, collaboration, and innovation.

READ MORE: What can fix renewable energy’s intermittency?

It also focuses on three thematic areas of research which are generation innovation, transmission innovation, and grid management and storage innovation.

Sun Cable projected in a whitepaper that achieving 15% grid interconnection by 2040 will result in the trading of an estimated 3,335 terawatt-hours of electricity annually which is equivalent to $493b. It will also generate 870,000 jobs.

Grid interconnection will also abate 3,070 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

The partners and collaborators of the AGGN include Surbana Jurong, The Agency for Science, Technology and Research, the National University of Singapore Faculty of Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore Institute of Technology, University of New South Wales, University of Adelaide, James Cook University, and Charles Darwin University.

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