, Japan

Chubu postpones MOX fuel program for Hamaoka unit 4


Chubu Electric postponed its MOX fuel program for Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 4. The program was to be implemented this fiscal year but decided not to load the MOX fuel until it assesses Unit 4's seismic safety.


Members of the regional community have asked the company for an explanation of Unit No. 4's seismic safety, but Chubu Electric determined that at this point some time will be necessary to meet this request.

The company pointed out that the Japanese government gave greater priority to a deliberation of the factors involved in the fact that tremors in Unit No. 5 were greater than in other units during the Suruga Bay earthquake. Because the company was responding to this deliberation, it did not make progress in its examination for the deliberation of a seismic safety assessment of Unit No. 4 in terms of the new seismic durability guidelines.

Not yet prepared to provide an explanation of the status of deliberations on the seismic safety of Unit No. 4 in terms of the new seismic durability guidelines as requested by members of the regional community, Chubu Electric decided to postpone the MOX fuel program.

Chubu Electric is proceeding with the necessary licensing procedures in preparation for the MOX fuel program at Unit No. 4 and is working to ensure safety. Concerning Unit No. 4's safety in the event of seismic activity. The company announced that it is proceeding with seismic design that incorporates a safety margin, based on seismic motion with sufficient margin not only for the anticipated Tokai earthquake, but also for the even greater historic Ansei-Tokai earthquake. "We believe we have ensured sufficient safety," the company declared.
Chubu Electric stated it will make every effort to be able to implement the MOX fuel program at an early date and will make the safety of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station our highest priority as we aim to run a power station trusted by the regional community.

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