, China

Liu appointed China Wind Systems CFO



China Wind Systems appointed Mr. Fernando Liu, CPA, as its Chief Financial Officer, effective January 1, 2011.

Prior to joining China Wind Systems, Mr. Liu served as China Region President of Barron Partners LP, an investment fund which is primarily focused on the clean energy and China sector. Barron Partners is an investor in the Company. Previously, Mr. Liu worked at Eos Funds, an investment fund primarily focused on small and mid-sized companies in China.  Mr. Liu holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of British Columbia and is a U.S. Certified Public Accountant. He also served for six years in the Primary Reserve of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Mr. Liu replaces Ms. Teresa Zhang, who resigned from her position as the Company's Chief Financial Officer for personal reasons, effective December 28, 2010. Ms. Zhang's resignation is not in connection with any disagreement with the Company regarding financial, accounting, or other practices.

"Mr. Liu, a certified public accountant, brings a wealth of expertise in corporate finance, the capital markets, the clean energy sector, and Western and China business practices to China Wind Systems. We look forward to benefiting from his contributions as we grow our business and expand our capabilities," said Mr. Jianhua Wu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of China Wind Systems.

"I am excited to be joining China Wind Systems and helping to accelerate the Company's expansion in China's large and fast growing wind industry," stated Mr. Liu. "I look forward to assisting the Company in fulfilling its strategic and financial goals. In addition, I plan to contribute to seek to optimize the Company's operations and explore additional clean technology opportunities, such as the solar energy market."

The Company also announced it hired Ms. Ana Liu, Chartered Accountant, as Controller, effective January 1, 2011, to assist the Company in complying with the financial reporting and control requirements of Article 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.  Ms. Liu is Mr. Liu's sister. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Liu served as a Senior Accountant at SAP, a provider of business software solutions; and as an auditor at the accounting firm of Wolrige Mahon LLP. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting and Transportation and Logistics from the University of British Columbia and is a Canadian Chartered Accountant. The Contoller is not an executive officer of the Company.

Mr. Wu concluded, "We appreciate Ms. Zhang's contributions as our Chief Financial Officer. She has been a highly valued member of our team and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors."

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