, Japan

Japanese entities to utilize VAWT for practical use

Kogakuin University and Kudo Corporation are now devising ways to put their vertical axis wind turbine technology into practical use.

Kogakuin University has developed a straight wing-type vertical axis that is less affected by wind direction. It has devised a wing with a turbulence enhancing mechanism to improve wing performance and acquired a patent for the SWVAWT generator. Accordingly, the university is now confident that the power generation efficiency with the VAWT is sufficient to cover domestic use.

While it has a simple structure compared with common propeller-shaped ones, is easily produced, and has advantages with regard to cost and quietness, the largest obstacle to its widespread use is the achievement of practical power generation efficiency.

On the other hand, Kudo Corporation with a corporate policy "to open the future with renewable energies," had been conducting research into wind power generators since 1997, and has developed and marketed VAWTs. With their combined technologies and experiences, both parties are now aiming to put the VAWT to practical use, and to offer it at an affordable price for town buildings and houses.

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