, Singapore

Find out what the best practices are in Asia's utilities industry

You may be in for a surprise.

According to a release, this May, Singapore will play host to the SAP Asia Pacific Conference for Utilities, a customer-centric event for delegates to share the latest news, innovations, and best practices in the utilities industry.

Utilities companies across the Asia Pacific region are currently amid a major paradigm shift.

They face a number of growing challenges, from tackling climate change to sustainability, rising fuel costs, a challenging customer base, and evolving regulations.

Against this challenging backdrop, they must continue to drive investment, maintain efficient and cost-effective operations, and keep their customers happy, while improving performance and profitability.

The SAP Asia Pacific Conference for Utilities 2014 is a platform to discover how innovative solutions from SAP are allowing utility companies – from Asia Pacific and beyond – to become more agile and adapt quickly to fast-changing market conditions.

The agenda is packed over three days with opportunities to learn from a diverse range of SAP customers, hear strategy and expert insight from SAP, and listen to thought-provoking keynotes on current industry trends.

With case studies from Towngas, APGENCO, CenterPoint Energy, DONG Energy, EnBW, Energex, Enerjisa, ENN, Hydro Tasmania, K-Electric Limited, Malakoff, Manitoba Hydro, Maynilad Water, Meralco, Shikoku Electric Power, Synergy, Tata Power, TNB, and more, the agenda is packed with first-hand experiences of business transformation.

The main themes of the conference namely customer engagement, developing smarter networks, reporting and analytics, asset management, operational integrity, and customer and revenue management are delivered in an environment that is built for interaction. 

There will be plenty of chances to network including a meet-the-expert session, interactive workshops, live demos, and more.

To attend the event and discover how utility companies from the Asia Pacific region and internationally are transforming for the future and driving sustainable growth, visit www.tacook.asia/saputilities.

For any inquiries, please contact the event team at +44 (0)121 200 3810 or by e-mail at [email protected]

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