, China

Poll says Chinese IT managers ignore power concerns

Many organizations in the country do not factor in the cost of electricity and utilities in their IT budgets, according to a research from IDC China. "The main priority of most IT managers is to ensure that their system is reliable and secure for their organizations. In general, these IT decision makers are not concerned with increases in power usage as a result of including new features and functions in their IT processes. In fact, what they are most concerned about is the costs and risks involved in implementing a green datacenter," said the IDC.

Results from IDC's 2008 green poll conducted with IT decision makers in the Asia/Pacific region reveal that when green requirements are specified in a request for proposal, only 9.7 percent of the respondents in China say that they are mandatory.

Asia/Pacific countries that participated in IDC's green poll garnered a 35.3 percent average response to the question.

"Clearly, there is room for improvements in order for China to enhance its commitment towards sustainable development," says Raphael Phang, Vice President, Government Insights, IDC Asia/Pacific. Phang adds, "As global demand for a lighter carbon footprint grows, the public sector needs to be more responsive to public pressure. The government in China should seize the opportunity to maximise the unique position it has in influencing and effecting real changes by setting up more regulatory mandates to promote the green movement."

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