, Philippines

TGEG to unveil green energy powerplant

TGEG/SBS will be using the Biosphere MKV5 and Material Recycling Facility to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Land Management contracts over the next 25 years.


True Green Energy Group and Spectrum Blue Steel's strategy is to "de-carbonize" the electric power generation industry by shifting to non-fossil fuel-based energy sources, specifically energy-from-waste.

Provinces, local governments, and stakeholders of True Green Energy Group and Spectrum Blue Steel will earn big money because of the significant reduction in GHG emissions from the green energy system.  Today the price of a carbon credits are approximately $20 dollars per ton

Capital by institutions Foundations, private equities firms and Banks will take advantage of the huge income opportunities that will be earned in 2011 from the deployment of Biosphere MKV5 and MRF system in San Fernando Philippines.

Ronald Flynn the Founder and C.E.O. said, "TGEG is the new wow factor when it comes to green energy solutions. By late February a schedule is being made for dignitaries and government officials from around the world to come view the system while it is working and producing green electricity to the grid."


This follows the American Energy Policy Act of 2005 which confirmed energy-from-waste is renewable, and the Philippine Renewable Energy Law  of the Philippines.

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