, China

China's electric consumption grew only 3.8% to 5.5tr kWh

Capacity is getting excessive.

According to an event release, Chinese economy confronted to the “New Normal” over the past few years and the demand of electricity is having a decelerated growth remarkably. According to China Electric Council, China consumed a total of 5.523 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity in 2014, with only 3.8% growth. In addition, annual power plant utilization was 4286 hours, with a decline of 5.2%, being the lowest in recent years.

Excess capacity has resulted in the diminishing domestic demand of electric power and related downstream industries. Coincides with the initiative of “One Belt and One Road” raised by President Xi Jinping which focuses on the enhancement of the cooperative interconnection on energy infrastructure, it encourages the cross-boundary construction on power and electric transmission corridor and the upgrade and rebuilding of regional grid.

As “One Belt and One Road” is being promoted by the Chinese government, electric power is greatly demanded by infrastructures and logistic projects around the “Road” and “Belt”. The grid constructions in the developing countries are relatively backward and dependent on import equipment. While Chinese domestic power equipment and technology are comparatively developed, especially in the long-distance transmission of ultra-high voltage equipment, a marked growth on the demand of the power equipment will be foreseeable. 

Hence, enormous business opportunities are expected for the power industry with the equipment entering the world stage.

In the meantime, Premier Li Keqiang delivered the annual government work report and emphasized on the implementation of “Made-in-China 2025” to seek innovation-driven development, apply smart technologies, strengthen foundations, pursue green development and upgrade China from a manufacturer of quantity to one of quality. The electric power industry is also spotlighted as being one of the tenth core development fields. Wang Xiaotao, vice minister of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) mentioned that China may utilize part of the Foreign Exchange Reserve to promote the export of high-speed railway and electric power equipment.

With the two initiatives, a bright prospect is expected for the electric power industry. To give impetus to “Made-in-China 2025”, “EP Shanghai 2015”, “Electrical Shanghai 2015”, “2015 International Exhibition on Electric Power Automation Equipment and Technology (EPA 2015)” and the “2015 China International Exhibition on Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Equipment and Technology (ECEP)” will take place under the theme “Specialized, Professional, Business Opportunities” at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre on 14th-16th October, 2015.

Being an interactive platform for global sharing and demonstration on latest technology, the estimated exhibition space of the show will be expanded to 35,000 sq.m. with 900 exhibitors and supported by the U.S. Embassy – Commercial Service, German Pavilion, Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association Pavilion and the new companions from Commercial Department of The Czech Republic and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, together with the individual international exhibitors, forming the most extensive electric power exhibition in China

With the support from the country policies and prosperous future in the industry, former exhibitors actively involved in the show which include ABB, Siemens, Linbo, DFE, Xuji Group, Nari Group, Tianshui 213, Han’s Laser, People Electric, TYT Tai Yong, Schniewindt, Shanghai Huaming, CNC, Baoguang, Zhuhai Powint, Hongfa, Hengyuanlitong, Senyuan, Jonhon, Sojo and etc.

Well-known brands including Tebian, Qingdao TGOOD, Natus, EATON (U.S.)、LSIS (Korea) and etc. are also attracted to exhibit in the show for the first time.

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