, India

Slow progress by BHEL affects Tripura construction

OPTC Limited is worried that BHEL's laxity at its 726.6 MW gas based combined cycle power project at Pallatana, Tripura, can hamper the progress on site.


It is feared that if the equipment major does not shape up, the project will miss deadlines.

As of now, completion of milestones like civil works, procurement, manufacturing and supply of equipments and mechanical erection is on schedule, but this however, may see deferrals because of BHEL's lassitude at work.  Also, slow progress of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited in civil works has also led to expenditure targets not being met.

While civil works and procurement, manufacturing and supply of equipments are expected to be completed by June and August 2011 respectively, mechanical erection is likely to conclude by November 2011. So far, the agency has completed 45 per cent and 74 per cent of works, in that order. Mechanical erection however, is yet to start.

The Pallatana-based 2x363.3 MW CCPP is being implemented by ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited or
OTPC, a joint venture company promoted by ONGC, IL&FS Limited and Government of Tripura. It involves an estimated cost of US$ 760 million. Both the units are expected to add to capacity within the 11th plan period, with the first unit scheduled for commissioning by December 2011 and the second unit, by March 2012.

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