, Singapore

High energy growth rates, burgeoning demand has ASEAN attracting global investors

South East Asia's economic growth will continue for the next 5 years and economic growth will continue to prompt infrastructure development, Minoru Kaneko, Singapore Chief Representative for NEXI predicts.

“The Vietnamese government is deeply involved in infrastructure development. That is not a bad thing. But macroeconomic stability should be considered more seriously. The Indonesian government is more involved in PPP infrastructure development than before. However, their involvement seems still insufficient to balance supply and demand. The Philippine government seems to proceed with privatization a bit too early. They should consider how to make more room for the government's investment in infrastructure development,” said Kaneko.

Different governments in South East Asia have different policies, but Minoru Kaneko, Singapore Chief Representative for NEXI, predicts that South East Asia's economic growth will continue for the next 5 years and economic growth will continue to prompt infrastructure development.

And its not only transport infrastructure projects that the big money is being spent on?
Ron Mahabir, Director of Asia Cleantech Capitals, believes that the attractive renewable energy policies in the region are generating plenty of interest from investors globally.
“Southeast Asia has the highest energy growth rates globally, and the physical environment is perfect for renewables including solar PV, geothermal, bio-energy and some wind. With the maturity of many European markets and burgeoning demand in Southeast Asia, we are starting to see real interest from not only regional players, but also foreign ones,” explains Mahabir.

Minoru Kaneko and Ron Mahabir will be speaking at the South – East Asia Infrastructure Finance Summit. The summit will discuss and compare infrastructure investment and development opportunities in key South - East Asian markets.

Drop an email to [email protected] to register for the conference or visit www.infrastructurefinancesea.com for the full list of speakers and topics that will be covered at the South – East Asia Infrastructure Finance Summit.

Press and media please contact:
Indre Riley
Tel: +65 6722 9404
Email: [email protected]

Bryan Camoens
IQPC Worldwide
Tel: +65 6722 9406
Email: [email protected]

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