, China

The Potential of Smart Grid Security & SCADA security

As Governments and utilities around the world continue to work on the deployment of the Smart Grid initiative, cyber security issues around such an infrastructure are now top priority in relation to national security and investment.

Smart Grid operators must guard against international security threats from hackers, cyber terrorists, and rogue states, etc. SCADA systems are used to control and monitor physical processes. The security challenges posed by power system operations are different from those facing most other industries. Connecting and SCADA to a public network can bring a lot of security issues. SCADA security Project is an initiative to create an open SCADA security community. The security of any future Smart Grid is dependent on successfully addressing the cyber security issues associated with the nation’s current power grid.

Smart Grid Security China 2011 dedicates itself to educate and inform stakeholders, create an environment where networking and collaboration can take root, and discuss solutions. As an attendee of the Smart Grid Security China 2011, you will have the opportunity to interact with energy industry leaders, regulatory officials, security professionals, and many other people who are interested in Smart Grid security.

Key themes of Smart Grid Security China 2011 include:
- Strong Smart Grid Security in China: Policy, Standard Status and Security Planning
- Security challenges of the ultra-high voltage and intelligent network combination system in China?
- Over Two Trillion RMB invest in smart grid in next 10 years in China. How will be the security market?
- Total understanding on cyber security and industrial control systems security
- Smart metering safety: communication security and data security is the base of strong smart grid

For more details and updates, please review the event website:

Contact: Alice Chan, Marketing Manager Tel: +86 21 5172 0291
Email: [email protected]

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