, China

UN to get carbon trade feedback in China

UN will meet with carbon traders in China for feedback on project registration process and updates on developments. It is their last chance to meet before the Copenhagen climate negotiations determine a successor to the current treaty. It will expire in 2012.

This was confirmed by Dr. Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the UN agency in charge of the Kyoto Protocol.

Ms. Maria Laura Vinuela will be joining them at the World Carbon Conference in Beijing together with China's NDRC Energy Research Institute, the European Commission, and likely representatives from the Indian negotiating team and the World Bank.

Ms. Vinuela will be meeting with CEOs and Managing Directors from across the worldwide carbon finance industry.

"This is the last chance for industry and government to come together before Copenhagen and solve the current challenges in carbon trading, and engage key markets in China, India, Japan, Europe and the United States," said Rex Ian Sayson, director at the Singapore-based AMG Center for Energy Sustainability and Economics, which is hosting the meeting.

Also joining the meeting are key industry players such as China carbon industry doyenne Victoria Wang, Garry Kolafa of the Kuwait Oil Company, Kisor Mukherjee and Gauri Bholay of Reliance Industries, Nor Hazleen Madros and Rozita Musib of Petronas, Jeff Huang, Assistant Chairman of the Tianjin Climate Exchange, Kenneth Wong and Xenos Hung of CLP Holdings, Junji Hatano, Kyoko Tochikawa and Coty Tsui of Carbon Partners Asiatica, among an estimated over 150 attendees total.

The World Carbon Conference is the only international carbon industry meeting in China before the Copenhagen negotiations, providing a venue for project developers, carbon funds, government agencies, project owners, technology providers, law firms, investors, carbon compliance buyers, carbon exchange operators, DOEs and other stakeholders in emissions reduction to work out current challenges and build relationships for future projects. The conference will cover projects and opportunities in China, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and the rest of the world.

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