, India

Myhanmar hydroelectric project may be shelved

NHPC's 642 MW Shwezaye hydroelectric project in Myanmar is in danger of being shelved.


The complex geo-technical set up of the project is keeping the project from being technically feasible.

The Indian Ambassador in Myanmar has questioned the essentiality of the project and whether it would adversely affect our strategic and security interests if Chinese companies are awarded the contract instead.

The hydel major, still hopeful of some positive development, has submitted the interim report preparatory to the execution of the project. Copies of the document have now been forwarded to the Ministry of Power, the Ministry of External Affairs, and the relevant administrations of India and Myanmar.

The MoP had appointed NHPC as the agency responsible for executing the 642 MW Shwezaye HEP. The hydropower major, in January last year, signed agreements with the Ministry of External Affairs for the preparation of updated detailed project reports for the Tamanthi and Shwezaye HEPs, at a cost of Rs 20 crore, each.

These HEPs propose to harness the hydropower potential of the Chindwin river, the chief tributary of the Irrawaddy river, in the northern Myanmar. The Tamanthi HEP involves construction of a 80 m high dam and is proposed to be constructed at an estimated cost of USD 3 billion, to afford an annual energy generation of about 6,685 Gigawatt-hours.

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