Global Energy Monitor
The Global Energy Monitor is developing a comprehensive set of tools that allow users to zoom out for summaries and analysis at the regional or global scale, or zoom in for background and details on any element of the system — coal mine, nuclear power plant, wind farm, oil extraction field, fossil gas pipeline, or oil tanker.
See below for the Latest Global Energy Monitor News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.
Bisakah listrik berbasis batu bara masih mendapatkan pendanaan
Pasar Asia telah meningkatkan produksi batu bara untuk memenuhi permintaan energi.
Bisakah listrik berbasis batu bara masih mendapatkan pendanaan
Pasar Asia telah meningkatkan produksi batu bara untuk memenuhi permintaan energi.
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PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) Lauded for Engineering Excellence in Agricultural Water Access
The company created a solution to pressing water supply challenges in a village in East Java.
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