
Japan utilises 58.3% less nuclear power

The nuclear power plant utilisation rate in Japan fell to 58.3% in March from 66% last year.

Japan utilises 58.3% less nuclear power

The nuclear power plant utilisation rate in Japan fell to 58.3% in March from 66% last year.

Fukushima crisis encourages PV growth in Germany, Italy

Both Germany and Italy are swiftly reacting to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, according to Henning Wicht, senior director and principal analyst for photovoltaic systems market research firm IHS iSuppli.

M. Setek to resume operation this June

M. Setek is looking to bring its 7,000 tonne polysilicon per year production facility back online in June. Located in Soma Fukushima, the solar silicon wafer plant was shut down after the March 11 earthquake. Company sources confirmed that the plant did sustain some damage and will be undergoing repairs, according to ICIS.com..

Japanese nuclear plant reveals water leak

There was a water leak out of spent fules at Onagawa nuclear plant after a second earthquake hit the north-east of Japan.

Tepco resumes earthquake hindered oil-fired power plant

Tepco resumed operations of its earthquake-affected 600MWFashima oil-fired power plant.

Tepco withdraws plans to add 2 reactors at Fukushima nuclear plant

Tepco will withdraw its plan to build two more reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

GE, Hitachi to help tackle Fukushima nuclear crisis

GE and Hitachi vowed to provide long-term assistance to help bring the Fukuishima Daiichi nuclear plant emergency under control.

Radiation continues to leak at Fukushima plant

Radioactive water continues to leak at Fukushima plant bringing radioactive iodine levels at 4,385 times the limit.

Renewable Energy needs system solutions – urgently!

In the wake of the earthquake in Japan and the subsequent problems with several nuclear plants, people are beginning to doubt nuclear energy more and more. Many say that we need to replace nuclear energy with renewable energies. But do they consider the amounts of energy that will be needed to replace nuclear energy?

Fukushima reactors to be scrapped

Tepco will scrap reactors 1 to 4 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

TEPCO to improve working conditions at Fukushima

Tepco  is expected to improve the working environment of workers trying to bring the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant under control. This was industry minister Banri Kaieda point of view.

Tepco seeks French aid to contain nuclear crisis

Tepco sought assistance from French nuclear power authorities to address the crisis at the Fukushima power plant.

TÜV Rheinland moves away from Yokohama facility

TÜV Rheinland, which maintains a large solar testing center in Yokohama, has shifted its workload to other regional centers. It will also be redeploying equipment and personnel temporarily, according to pv-tech.org..

TEPCO eyes $24.7B in loans

Major Japanese banks are considering to extend loans to TEPCO of up to US$24.7 billion.

Restoration work at Fukushima nuke plant disrupted again

Work to restore power and key cooling functions was disrupted at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as smoke caused workers to evacuate.

GE defends containment system at Fukushima plant

GE defended its Mark I containment system at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant against safety issues raised against it.

Japan intensifies efforts to cool nuclear plant

TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-chi nuclear power plant is in danger of fuel rod meltdown.