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Full load at unit 2 of Bellary thermal project to be delayed

Delays at the turbine generator box up works at the unit-2 of Bellary stage 2 thermal power project will likely push back the full load achievement by another 4 months.

Full load at unit 2 of Bellary thermal project to be delayed

Delays at the turbine generator box up works at the unit-2 of Bellary stage 2 thermal power project will likely push back the full load achievement by another 4 months.

KPCL seeks domestic gas allocation for power projects

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited has requested for domestic gas allocation for its 2x700 MW gas based power plant near Bangalore and 3x700 MW GBPP in the Tadadi coastal area.

Lack of cost estimates to delay Nimoo Bazgo hydropower project

Works on the associated transmission system of NHPC's 45 MW Nimoo Bazgo hydro-electric project are likely to slip into the 12th plan period.

Anpara unit shut for normal linkages inspection

The 600 MW unit-1 of the Anpara 'C' thermal power plant has been shut down to inspect the normal linkages.

Sikeshu's No. 8 coal mine acknowledged for safety and quality

The No.8 mine of Sikeshu Coal Company was awarded the 2010 National Standard Coal Mine for Safety & Quality by the by State Administration of Work Safety and State Administration of Coal Mine Safety.

Mundra UMPP (U-I & II): Tower erection work lagging substantially, likely to delay ATS availability

The tower erection work of the associated transmission system (ATS) for unit-I and II of the Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP), which has seen incessant delays up till now, is now considerably much behind schedule, as per a report by the power ministry. As of June 2011, no more than 510 towers have been erected out of a total of 856 locations for the 400 kV D/C Mundra - Limbdi (Triple Snowbird) line, with 417 CKM of transmission lines yet to be laid out. Further, right of way (RoW) issues and forestry clearance are critical for laying out the remaining 108 CKM of the 764 CKM long Mundra-Bachau-Ranchodpura line. Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO), the agency implementing the ATS for the project, needs to expedite balance pile works and work in the creek area for contingency plan of the ATS while Powergrid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) has completed the connection of the Bachchau- Ranchodpura line with Limdi till Ranchodpura section. Pertinently, work is in progress for Bachchau bay extension and Limbdi bays extension. Also, progress is being made on the second transformer at Ranchodpura substation of 2 X 315 MVA. Mundra UMPP, with 2 units of 800 MW capacity each, is a Tata power project located in Gujarat. The project entails an investment of Rs 17,000 crore and is being funded through a debt-equity ratio of 75:25. The executing agencies for ATS are GETCO and PGCIL.

Dongping Hydropower Project receives emission reduction

The 72MW CPI Dongping Hydropower Project in Hunan Province successfully received the issuance of emission reductions on 28 July 2011.

China nuke plant gets Korea-made reactor

Doosan Heavy Industries has delivered a 340t nuclear reactor vessel to be installed at the Sanmen nuclear power plant in Zhejiang, China.

Perkins launches 1106 engine manufacturing line in Wuxi

Now Perkins looks at over 130,000 engines being manufactured by 2015.

India needs $253B for power projects in 2012-2017

India needs US$ 253 billion as the fund requirement for the power sector during the forthcoming 12th five year plan, from 2012 to 2017.

China’s NDRC sets improved pricing for solar projects

The National Development and Reform Commission set new feed-in tariffs for both open and non-competitive PV project tenders above those previously accepted in the last bidding process.

PV plant in India commissioned by Tata BP Solar

A 1MW PV power plant, using 4,400 230 Watts crystalline silicon modules has been installed and commissioned by Tata BP Solar India.

Orissa power projects attract 20 bidders

As many as 20 power generating companies have put in their initial bids for executing the 4,000-Mw ultra mega power project in Orissa.

Norwegian court favors China Sunergy in REC supply dispute

A Norwegian court ruled in favour of China Sunergyvin its vwafer supply deal dispute with REC Wafer. REC Wafer is said to appeal the decision made by the Norwegian Court of Appeal.

Singapore to test energy solutions for public housing

Singapore and the Panasonic Corportation will test-bed the first total energy solutions for public housin.

Nepalese government scraps West Seti licence

Nepal decided to scrap the licence of West Seti Hydropower Limited to construct a 750-MW power project.

GVK to finalise Hancock coal mine buyout in two months

GVK Power may finalise a deal to buy coal mines operated by Australia’s Hancock Prospecting in two months, GVK Group Chairman GVK Reddy said.