Chubu to construct Iida solar facility
A mega-solar power facility in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture will be constructed by Chubu Electric. This is made possible through the cooperation of Iida City Mayor Mitsuo Makino.
Under the plan, Iida City will provide the land for the power station and will construct the PR facilities, etc. Chubu Electric will construct, operate, and maintain the power station. The facility will have an output of 1,000 kW (1 MW), and is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 400 metric tons per year.
With the understanding and cooperation of the residents of the city and the surrounding area, Chubu Electric will cooperate with Iida City in order to put the plan into effect, working to promote and spread the use of new energy sources.
Iida City was selected by the Cabinet Office as an Environmental Model City in January 2009. The city will keep its momentum going by actively working to realise a low-carbon society. Chubu Electric strongly supports the initiatives of the city, and has therefore decided to work with it in the construction of this new mega-solar facility.
Chubu Electric continues to work actively to reduce CO2 emissions, and in addition to the present plan is involved in projects including the construction of Mega Solar Taketoyo in the grounds of the Taketoyo Thermal Power Station and the planning of mega-solar developments on unused land owned by the company.