Clean tech investment firm Envirotek deploys tidal energy in Singapore
The company eyes pushing for marine renewable energy.
In mid-February, ENVIROTEK, together with an international team of experts, has successfully deployed a SCHOTTEL Instream Turbine (SIT) in the waters off the Sentosa Boardwalk in Singapore to showcase the viability of tidal energy in the region. ENVIROTEK, a Singapore -based clean-technology investment company, aspires to lead tidal in-stream energy projects in South East Asia.
"This demonstration is about using appropriate technologies in suitable locations to address real energy needs of South East Asia. We are keen to develop projects that involve marine renewable energy -- a resource that is yet to be tapped effectively in the region." said Jefferson Cheng, Chairman and Founder of ENVIROTEK Pte Ltd.
Floating integrated renewable energy platforms are envisioned for the usage of local stakeholders (e.g. island or coastal areas) helping them increase energy resilience, decrease fossil-fuel dependence, explore multiple applications, and showcase the viability of harnessing tidal in-stream energy (TISE) and its potential to supply clean, renewable, and safe electricity to island as well as coastal communities.
Dr. Michael Lochinvar Sim Abundo , Managing Director of OceanPixel Pte Ltd noted that ocean renewable energy is currently not in the energy mix in South East Asia and remarked, "There is tremendous potential for harnessing ocean/marine renewable energy in the region especially for archipelagic countries like Indonesia and the Philippines . We are looking at marine renewable energy to be part of the energy mix -- not just in off-grid areas but eventually to feed into micro-grids and the main grid."
Lita Ocean , a local shipping company, was commissioned to build the catamaran and integrate the SIT 250 turbine unto the platform. On the difficulties that the company faced in the project, Yeo Ying Da, Director of Lita Ocean said: "The main challenge for this project is the design of the platform, such that it is suitable for the deployment of the turbine and is stable in bi-directional mode."