AERB makes recommendations for India's nuclear plants
The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board has come up with a set of recommendations for safety of nuclear power plants in India.
This exercise has been carried out as a part of the committee that was constituted in March this year, to review the safety of Indian nuclear plants against external events of natural nature. The following contains some of the observations of the committee on the subject:
The existing design, operating practices and regulations being followed have inherent strengths to deal with the natural events and their consequences.
Nonetheless, the report has called for having certain measures in place to further supplement the security of the plants, like creating an emergency facility at each NPP site, re-assessing the flood level for the Kalpakkam site, post the Tsunami experience and improving the capability to deal with extended Station Black Out (SBO), by setting up a more reliable back-up provision for the purpose of making more water available to the Primary Heat Transport System.