Report says China's energy consumption might exceed limits
China might not be able to limit its energy cosumption to its target of 4 billion tonnes of coal equivalent if left uncontrolled.
According to a report released by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, he actual figure may reach 5.1 billion.
Statistics from the report show that the country's annual energy consumption stood at 3.25 billion tonnes of standard coal last year.
The figure is expected to hit 5.1 billion in 2015 if the current situation remains unchanged.
The report, however, said that it was a "proper goal" for China to keep the energy consumption at 4 billion tonnes of standard coal in 2015.
The report urged China to use energy on "scientific supply and reasonable needs."
"China's economy is now in a situation where its development must be restructured. The high cost of energy, unsound structure, low efficiency and energy safety are among the prominent issues in our country's energy development," read the report entitled "Research
Report on China's Mid-term and Long-term Energy Development Strategy."